Conference Committee
Conference Chair
Dr.Thamer Al-Rousan (Al-Isra University, Jordan)
Program Co- Chair
Prof. Osman Adiguzel (Firat University, Turkey )
Program Committee
Dr. Jean M. Caldieron, (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
Prof. Xiaoguang Yue, (Southwest Forestry University, China)
Prof. Nouredine Ouelaa, (University of Guelma, Algeria)
Prof. Adrian Olaru, (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. Gopal Nandan, (Amity University, India)
Prof. Yuri Nikalyvech, (National Technical University, Ukraine )
Dr. Abdelhamid Bouaine, (University of Jijel, Algeria)
Dr.Abu-nidzhim Ramzi Hassan, (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia)
Dr. Muhammad Umar Manzoor, (University of the Punjab, Pakistan)
Dr. Abu Bakar Mhd Ghazali, ( Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia)
Dr. R.K. AL-Dadah, (School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Dr. Rajarshi Das, (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Dr. Dmitry Vlasenko, (University Magdeburg, Germany)
Prof. Ja-Ye Koo, ( school of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Korea)
Prof. Joao Neves , ( Lusofona University, Portugal )
Dr. Medhat Hussainov, ( University of Tartu, Sweden)
Dr. Maya Mitkova, (Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait )
Dr. Lalit Garg, ( University of Malta, Malta)
Dr. BOUKHATEM Mohamed Nadjib, (University Blida 1, Algeria)
Dr.Khalid Almari, (The British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
Dr. Qibo Mao, (Nanchang Hang Kong University, China)
Dr. Paulo Batista, (University of Évora, Portugal)
Dr. Mohamed Lamine Bouchemal, (University of Mentouri Brothers Constantine, Algeria)
Dr. Abraham G van der Vyver, (Monash University,South Africa)
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